Gunna – Drip Or Drown 2 (Album Review)

You wanna know when I realized that Gunna was one of the hottest rappers in the game? When he appeared on both Mariah Carey and Usher’s albums within’ a month’s span. It’s obvious the hip-hop world is enamored with YSL’s whole drippy movement, and there is nothing Logic or I can do about it. Today, the movement manifests itself on a full length album called “Drip Or Drown 2.”





“Outstanding” is smooth, slick, sly and probably not butter. On it, Gunna glides to the finish line using this sleek style of rapping that sounds pretty effortless. Content-wise, the YSL rapper bounces between the topics of spending money, upgrading his drug choices and embracing shaky relationships throughout. The combination makes for one of the trillest/unattainable concoctions you’ve ever tasted.

“Outstanding” can easily serve as a theme song for Gunna. I feel like he tells you what he’s all about on it.




“Speed It Up” features this uptempo trap instrumental that practically sucks you in with its lonely vibes. Over this instrumental, Gunna plays aerobics instructor, imploring us to speed s**t up without informing us what we should be rushing for. Flow-wise, the YSL rapper’s contributions are beyond choppy, featuring words being spit out like it was cooked at Tim Hortons.

As crazy as it may sound, I think you get Gunna’s best rap performance on this song. I know it isn’t all that dynamic, but I felt like it was unique/clear enough to keep my attention the whole time.




In “IDK WHY,”  Gunna taps into his introspective side, discussing a couple of things that motivate, frustrate and worries him. Personally, I love how the “Drip Season” rapper opens up about drug-usage, women-problems and potential legal issues throughout the song, not quite sweating it, but at least sounding like it runs through his mind quite a bit. As for his style of rapping, Gunna peels through his verses and the hook utilizing this sappy/melodic approach that nearly makes it sound like he’s sobbing on the mic at times.

Hold up, Gunna actually has feelings?




I love “Big Shot!” The beat attached to it has trap roots, but for the most part, it’s powered by rockstar vibes. Over this beat, Gunna lets loose, doing everything from harmonizing daringly to giving off the numbest of rap deliveries. Content-wise, I love how the Atlanta native sticks his chest out like a boss, vividly describing the ways he celebrates his success, while also acknowledging how he took care of his fam and homies in the process. That’s some dope s**t!




The more I hear “One Call,” the more I f**k with it! Though I consider it a banger, for a good chunk of the song, Gunna vibes out on it, getting lost in the bass boomin yet smooth instrumental he was served with. When he wasn’t lost, he made sure to bless us with an infectious melody we can all f**k with, in addition to some lyrical content that serves as a reminder of how much of a come-up he has had these last couple of years.


1. WIT IT (2/5)


3. ONE CALL (4.5/5)

4. CASH WAR (2/5)


6. YAO MING (3.5/5)

7. IDK WHY (4/5)


9. BABY BIRKIN (3/5)

10. SPEED IT UP (4/5)

11. 3 HEADED SNAKE (3/5)

12. BIG SHOT (4/5)

13. ON A MOUNTAIN (3/5)

14. OUT THE HOOD (3/5)

15. SAME YUNG N***A (3.5/5)

16. WHO YOU FOOLIN (3/5)





  • The vibes on “Drip Or Down 2” are fantastic! Production-wise, Gunna was setup with beats that were cold and numb, but at the same time, heavy-hitting. This allowed him to zone out for a good chunk of the album, soothing the minds of anyone who listens to it.
  • Though there are thousands of mumble rappers in the game these days, nothing about Gunna’s particular mumble-heavy style feels unauthentic. On “Drip Or Drown 2,” he stuck with his unique style ’til the wheels fell off, showing little to no fear of coming across as stale. That’s brave.
  • I thought the melodies, hooks and harmonizing Gunna delivered for us throughout this album were pretty solid. Not only does he have a knack for creating something infectious, but he also understands when to shift gears/energy-levels vocally.
  • I love that Gunna kept his features at a minimum on this album. I do believe he’s talented enough to carry a song on his own, so there was absolutely no need to have a whole bunch of guest appearances on this album.




  • Can we pump the breaks on crowning Gunna the best thing since sliced bread? For a mumble rapper, he’s great, but if you expand the criteria, he’s average at best. On a bunch of verses on this album, he was too unclear to fully enjoy, and lyrically, left much to be desired. I get it, the n***a is great at creating a vibe, but as a rapper, he doesn’t move me much.
  • How many songs are you going to talk about having boogers in your watch, driving the fanciest of cars and splurging on the hottest of women, Gunna? I would’ve appreciated if you upped the percentage of humble lyrics on this album a tad bit, sir.
  • I dozed off listening to a bunch of tracks on this album… they weren’t bad, they were just hazy and serene-sounding ?????…


I predict that “Drip or Drown 2” will be one of those albums hip-hop fans bump for months. Each time you listen to it, I guarantee you will find a new song to like. Matter of fact, the album reminded me a lot of a poor man’s version of “DS2” by Future.

This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. CosmicSlopShop

    this album was hot trash

      1. CosmicSlopShop

        yeah g i still always been on here peeping the reviews i jus dont be commenting like that lol

        but keep em up!

        howve you been?

      2. The Widows Peak Bandit

        Lol I appreciate that. Always loved your opinion on joints, it was usually right lol

        Thanks bro, I definitely will!

        I’ve been good! Enjoying 2019 like it’s 1999 lol

      3. CosmicSlopShop

        always bro!

        n ive been enjoying it too even tho musics been a lil dry these past two months

  2. Robin Victas

    This is the worst top 5 I’ve ever seen. The person who created this clearly has bad taste in music. Also how do you not like Richard Millie Plain cuz that song is FIRE. It’s so fire that it has been many celebrities’s favorite track. I suggest you listen to the album one more time.

    1. Quincy Dominic

      Robin, thank you for reading and being kind enough to let me know about “Richard Millie Plan” — a song I still am not too fond of. I will try my hardest to listen to it over and over again so I can get like you and other celebrities. And yes, I will take your advice and listen to the album one more time!

  3. David Lasater

    wanted to share my top 5 and bottom 5
    1. Three headed snake
    2. Richard Millie plan
    3. Same Yung n*gga
    4. Who you foolin
    5. Idk why

    Bottom 5
    12. Derek Fisher
    13. Speed it up
    14. Baby Birkin
    15. Cash war
    16. Big shot

    1. Quincy Dominic

      Solid top 5! ?? I really need to check out Richard Millie Plain… I guess I’m supposed to like it lol

      I’m surprised you have “Speed It Up” in the bottom 5… I thought that song was one of the hidden gems of the albums.

      1. David Lasater

        No worries. Everyone has their tastes. You don’t have to like something you truly don’t like. Only reason why I put speed it up on #13 was it’s extremely repetitive lyrics. He could’ve done more with the beat. The beat did not save the track IMO. And big shot I put last because it’s just total dumpster juice and is something that gunna shouldn’t have done. But if you like it, you like it so I respect that.

      2. Quincy Dominic

        “Speed It Up”’is also a bit dull, but for some odd reason, I liked it! “Big Shot” is also dull, too, but for some of reason I enjoy its rock starish feel.

  4. Rorito

    Dude you sleeping hard on Richard Millie Plain. That’s the best song on the album.

    1. Quincy Dominic

      I keep hearing people say this song is amazing lol. I listened to it three times yesterday, thought it was solid, but still not all that great. Maybe I’m dying lol

      1. Rorito

        Listen to Richard Mille Plain either at a late night drive or going out for a swim at night. The song too good i’m sorry.

  5. Jada Quavon

    I don’t agree with your top 5 but your review is well-thought out.
    I liked every song on the album except big shot and speed it up.
    I think this album will grown on you eventually. Have you played Cash War in the whip before? Because I hated that song until I put it in the whip. It’s like driving in water.

    1. Quincy Dominic

      Thanks for reading and the compliment! ??

      I actually loved “Big Shot” and “Speed It Up.” Lately, people have been talking about Richard Millie Plain, but I’m still not all the way hip to it.

      You know what, just cause you said it, I’m gonna ride out to “Cash War” tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know what I feel ??!

  6. Quintin Magee

    How come you like the worst songs but dislike the best songs?
    Anyway, all these songs thump in the car regardless, especially Cash War, Wit It, Baby Birkin, and RMP.

    1. QD

      You know why, Quintin? it’s because I’m an idiot! lol. I may have to revisit this album review.

      Interesting list you have, though! I see “Richard Millie Plan (One of the greatest songs ever created),” but the other ones were a bit surprising. I’m interested to see your takes on other albums now!

  7. NICK

    This review needs a revisit. This is one of those albums that’ll grow on you and make you keep listening.

    1. QD

      I’m so glad you left this comment! Just yesterday I listened to this album in full again, and to be honest with you, nothing changed for me… it’s still blah. But I definitely get it, and I’ve heard multiple people say it’s grown on them. Maybe something is wrong my ears ?????!

      Thanks for the comment and for reading!!!

  8. McNugget69

    Richard Millie plain and The thug song should both be 5/5. Other than that good list.

    1. QD

      ???? most hate my list though ??

  9. X

    This is the album that QD is afraid to admit he likes ???.

    1. QD

      LMAO! Damn right! Nah, it has grown on me a bit… It’s still average, though.

  10. X

    The album is so good to the point that even the worst song is ?.

    1. QD

      I’m not sure I agree with that… But I do respect your opinion!

  11. JC

    Bruh Richard Millie plain is FLAMES whatchu mean?

    1. QD

      I know, I know! It’s the second-best song ever created (1st is Thriller)

  12. Fad

    Decent Album
    Favorite Tracks: Outstanding, One Call, Richard Millie Plain, Idk Why, Baby Birkin
    Least Favorite Track: Speed It Up

  13. Zangpong

    How you not like who you foolin? That beat is chinatown right there.

  14. David L

    Bruh I keep revisiting this supposedly average album. God that One Call, I felt like I got a call from the aqua marine force. God that richard millie plain man. You can slow it down, speed it up, or play it as it is and it just makes you feel like you’re swimming in the deep sea. God that who you foolin, it makes me feel like i’ve just earned my black belt in underwater kung-fu. I’m starting to appreciate gunna more now that i’ve listened to wunna. Here’s my updated ratings.
    Top 5.
    1. Richard Millie Plain (5/5) [Initially a 4.5]
    2. Three-headed Snake (5/5)
    3. Who You Foolin (4.5/5) [Initially a 4]
    4. Same Yung Nigga (4.25/5)
    5. Idk Why (4/5)

    Bottom 5:
    12. Derek Fisher (3/5)
    13. Speed It Up (3/5)
    14. Baby Birkin (3/5)
    15. Cash War (2.5/5)
    16. Big Shot (2/5)

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